
Archive for October 4th, 2010

I am more for free trade than protectionism. Protecting inefficiency hurts the economy more than helps. I think sometimes subsidies are necessary, but laws need to be tighter on how long subsidies are given, to whom they are given, and to what purpose. For example, subsidizing a company so that it has time to grow can help the economy in the long run, but subsidizing an inefficient farm is only hurting the economy in the long run. I don’t think tariffs or quotas should be used at all. Free trade allows for maximum efficiency, lower costs, and the best outcome for economies and consumers. For the evidence I’ve seen thus far, I am pro-free trade

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Econ. Protectionism

Type of Protectionism Definition Real World Example
Tariff A tax on imported goods http://abcnews.go.com/Business/wireStory?id=9528745
Quota A limit on imported goods http://charlotte.bizjournals.com/charlotte/stories/2004/02/23/story8.html
Subsidy Money given to domestic producers http://www.time.com/time/nation/article/0,8599,1978963,00.html

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